ANTIGEN SWAB TESTAt PT.Falmaco Nonwoven Industry |
PT. FALMACO NONWOVEN INDUSTRY – Has carried out an Antigen Swab Test to all Factory Employees, in June. Where the Antigen Swab Test process is carried out for 2 days.
The Antigen Swab Test Packages that have been prepared are as many as 800 packages, where our company collaborates with a Health Clinic, namely the SEHAT ZONE Clinic which is located at Jalan Terusan-Cisirung No. 321 Sindang Palay, Cangkuang Kulon Kec. Dayeuhkolot Kab. Bandung. The Operational License Number is: 445-93/050-Klinik/III-17/Dinkes. The doctor on duty is dr. Silvia Christiani with the help of an Assistant.
In view of the increasing prevalence of COVID-19, we from the Company have taken the initiative to conduct an Antigen Swab Test for all of our employees and employees, in order to prevent our employees and employees from being exposed to Covid-19 or not.
Checks are carried out on Wednesday and Thursday, 16-17 June 2021, where the results of the Antigen Swab Test are. All Employees are declared Negative. And we hope that in the future all employees and employees in our company are in good health.
This Antigen Swab Test is addressed to all employees, cleaning services, security, drivers and others, without exception including the STAFF and Directors and even our BOSS follow the Antigen Swab Test Procedure.
To anticipate things that are not desirable, together we have coordinated with the Clinic to evacuate immediately if anyone is POSITIVE exposed to Covid-19 to immediately carry out the PCR Test Process which will later be referred to the nearest hospital.